Empowerment of Active Citizenship and Public Policy Partnership of Village Health Volunteers for Sustainable Health Self-Care

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Amornsri Yortkham
Anek Laotamtatat
Chalermporn Yenyuak


The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the citizenship and the policy partnership of the Village Health Volunteers as a fundamental key for the implementation of public policies; 2) to explore the impact of their citizenship and the policy partnership on the implementation of public policy for sustainable development and practice; and 3) to discover approaches for strengthening their citizenship and policy partnership to develop sustainable and self-reliant health. The research applied qualitative methods including focus group and in-depth interviews with members of the Village Health Volunteers from four provinces.

          The result revealed that the members of the Village Health Volunteers had high citizenship. Their citizenship strengths were honesty and unity, bravery and confidence, and public-mindedness and work enthusiasm. Their weaknesses were management knowledge and skills, primary healthcare literacy and skills, and digital skills. Their policy partnership was limited to the community level. Their partnership strength was their participation in tasks, community-based healthcare planning, and implementing the community-based healthcare plans. Their partnership weaknesses included taking ownership over tasks, participation in problem-solving activities, and working in partnership with others. To promote citizenship and policy partnership among the members of the Village Health Volunteers, the research recommended that the government determine a clear primary healthcare policy. Related organizations were recommended to support the improvement of the work effectiveness of the Village Health Volunteers by allowing its members or representatives to participate in activities. Local administrative organizations were suggested to continuously support and work in collaboration with the Village Health Volunteers were suggested to improve themselves in all aspects including knowledge and operation and management skills. Finally, it was recommended that the Village Health Volunteers be led by new leaders for the sustainable implementation of primary healthcare policy.

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How to Cite
Yortkham, A. . . ., Laotamtatat, A. ., & Yenyuak, . C. (2020). Empowerment of Active Citizenship and Public Policy Partnership of Village Health Volunteers for Sustainable Health Self-Care. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 403–418. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/243549
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