Approaches in the Prevention of Motorcycle theft: A case study in Muang Rayong Police Station, Rayong Province

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Montree Sarawut


The purposes of this study were 1) to study the problems of motorcycle theft in the area of Muang Rayong Police Station; and 2) to study the approaches in the prevention of motorcycle theft that were suitable for the circumstances in the area of responsibility of Muang Rayong Police Station. This study was a qualitative research. The researcher studied from 2 population groups which were 10 people of stakeholders and 4 police officers working in the Prevention and Suppression Department at Provincial Police Supenintendent office Rayong, Muang Rayong Police Station. Research instruments of the study were in-depth interviews, questionnaires, data analysis using descriptive content analysis methods. The results of these analyses showed that 1) people or stakeholders and the police officers were aware of the problems of motorcycle theft in the area of responsibility of Muang Rayong Police Station at a low to medium level. There are 5 forms of theft; breaking neck, using a skeleton key, hard-wired connecting, lifting a motorcycle to a pickup, and cutting the wheel lock. The area where the motorcycles were mostly stolen were dormitories, rental rooms. The most stolen motorcycle time was at night; and 2) People or stakeholders and police officers had different ways to prevent motorcycle theft. People used neck locking, always lock the wheels, putting the chain on, the prevention of motorcycle theft of police officers was the adoption on the policy of the Royal Thai Police or the Motorcycle Theft Prevention Center in their operations, releasing of police officers row to inspect risk areas.

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How to Cite
Sarawut, M. (2020). Approaches in the Prevention of Motorcycle theft: A case study in Muang Rayong Police Station, Rayong Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 452–468. Retrieved from
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