The Study of Thai tourists’ behavior and integrated marketing communication to promote cultural tourism in Chanthaburi province

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Wijitra Boonlae
Seri Wongmonta
Chawalee Na Thalang
Kannapa Pongponrat


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the behavior of cultural tourism in Chanthaburi province of Thai tourists, and 2) to study the opinions of Thai tourists towards integrated marketing communication in cultural tourism, Chanthaburi province. The sample consisted of Thai tourists traveling in Chanthaburi province for 400 persons. The instruments used were questionnaires. Data were analyzed using the software package (SPSS) in data analysis by using the descriptive statistics processing by dividing all the data that have been collected to analyze the statistical values which consists of mean, standard deviation, and percentage. The results of the research showed that the result of the analysis of cultural tourism behavior of Thai tourists like to visit the rural life, followed by historical tourism, and tourism to see the culture and traditions respectively. Regarding the tourism news sources of Thai tourists, most Thai tourists were informed via online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, followed by internet media, travel pocketbooks or television advertisements, travel magazines or radio advertisements, exhibitions, people (friends, relatives, and acquaintances), public relations, newspapers and the organize special activities respectively. The analysis of the opinions of Thai tourists on the potential of integrated marketing communication to promote cultural tourism in Chanthaburi province showed that the overall picture was in a good level with an average of 3.62 when considered in each aspect. It was found that there were 4 levels of good opines, with the highest mean being direct marketing, followed by advertising, public relations and public relations. Marketing by special events or event marketing has an average of 3.52. for sales promotion respectively.

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How to Cite
Boonlae, W. ., Wongmonta, S. ., Na Thalang , C. ., & Pongponrat, K. . (2021). The Study of Thai tourists’ behavior and integrated marketing communication to promote cultural tourism in Chanthaburi province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 192–201. Retrieved from
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