The competency factor of English teacher in primary school

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Donlawan Puangwipart


The purposes of this research were to identify 1) the competency factors of English teachers in primary school and 2) the confirmation of the competency factors of English teachers in primary school. The population was 28,358 primary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The sample size was 97 schools which determined by Taro Yamane sample size table at the confidence level of 90%. Three respondents from each school consisted of a school director, a deputy school director, English teacher, with the total of 291 respondents. The research instruments used to collect the data were unstructured interview, opinionnaire and questionnaire, the statistics for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis and content analysis.

The findings of this research were as follows: 1. The competency factors of English teachers in primary school consisted of 7 factors and 41 variables: 1) learning environment arrangement and learning media, composed of 7 variables, 2) technique and evaluation student design, composed of 7 variables, 3) classroom management learning, composed of 6 variables, 4) participative instructional design, composed of 6 variables, 5) transition and professional advisory, composed of 6 variables, 6) implement Varity language innovation, composed of 5 variables and 7) curriculum development, composed of 4 variables. 2. The experts confirmed that all factors of the competency of English teachers in primary school were accurate, a propriety, feasibility, and utility.

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How to Cite
Puangwipart, D. . (2021). The competency factor of English teacher in primary school. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 149–160. Retrieved from
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