The result of Thai massage in patients with knee pain and stiffness in Thai traditional medicine clinic, Luangphorpern hospital, Nakhonpathom

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Sujitra Boonmag


The article has objective to 1) study the effect of Thai traditional massage in joint pain on knee  2) study the effect of Thai traditional massage of knee stiffness 3) study the effect of Thai traditional massage on the degree of knee movement and  4) study the level of satisfaction in Thai traditional massage for the symptom of joint pain and stiffness on knee with the quasi-experimental research among the patients who have been diagnosed and received the treatment at the Thai traditional medicine clinic of Luang Pho Pern Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province. The sample group was 40 patients that have selected by using specific selection methods. The research tools were 1) a questionnaire 2) Thai traditional massage methods.  Data analysis was made by using the descriptive statistics, the frequency distribution method, an average percentage, the standard deviation, an inferential statistic and paired test sign rank test.

          The results found the effect of Thai traditional massage in joint pain on knee showed the average pain level has been significantly decreased at 0.05.  2) The effects of Thai traditional massage in stiffness on knee showed the average of stiffness level has been significantly ecreased at 0.05.  3) The effect of Thai traditional massage in movement degrees on knee showed an improvement with statistical significance at 0.05 and 4) to study the level of satisfaction with Thai traditional massage on knee joint pain and knee stiffness showed the total result of  with the highest level of satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Boonmag, S. . (2020). The result of Thai massage in patients with knee pain and stiffness in Thai traditional medicine clinic, Luangphorpern hospital, Nakhonpathom. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 518–532. Retrieved from
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