An Analysis of Buddhist Belief Values of Constructing Laungphor Toh Buddha Image in Wat Palelai Voravihan, Supanburi Province

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Phra Baideeka Wichian Dangprasert


This article aimed to analyze the Buddhist belief values of constructing the Laungphor Toh Buddha image in Wat Palelai Voravihan, Supanburi Province. In-depth interviews had been applied to this qualitative research conducted with 13 key informants and synthesized for descriptive presentation. The results revealed that the Buddha images had evolved through social situations, cultures, traditions and values of artisans or architects who imprinted philosophical concept into the Buddha images. They had been constructed in memory of The Buddha’s virtues for the benefits of evils abandoning, conducting goodness, and mind purification for the architects themselves and for the spectators. The Buddha images became the spiritual centrality for all Buddhists called Cetiya. The constructing Laungphor Toh Buddha image in Wat Palelai Voravihan, Supanburi was the indicator of growth in Buddhism because the bureaucrats accepted and revered Buddhism and to construct the Buddha image required resources and human capitals. The Buddha images thus became the centrality of faith, and centralization. The Laungphor Toh Buddha image had a relationship with the livelihood of the Suphan people since birth till death. The highest, values of constructing the Laungphor Toh Buddha image, Wat Palelai Voravihan, Suphanburi was for the recollection of the Buddha and to follow the Dhamma Vinaya well taught by Him for salvation and to finally attain the ultimate bliss is Nibbana.

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How to Cite
Dangprasert, P. B. W. . (2021). An Analysis of Buddhist Belief Values of Constructing Laungphor Toh Buddha Image in Wat Palelai Voravihan, Supanburi Province . Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 74–83. Retrieved from
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