Human Resource Development to Accommodate the Public and Private Sector Organizations in the Digital Age

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Somwalee Chayamarit


This Article aimed to study human resource development to accommodate the public and private sector organizations in the digital age.  The study was qualitative in nature. The needed data were collected from documents, non-participant observations and in-depth interviews with 12 key informants. The key informants, who are executives in state-of-the-art public and private organizations focus on human resource development by using digital to manage and perform tasks and meet the requirements, were selected by means of purposive sampling technique. The analysis data were presented by using descriptive statistics. The research results were found that on values concerning to HRD, the values have to be consistent with the vision and mission of the organization.  The values should be used as a means to creating desirable behaviors of the personnel in the organization. In addition, HRM and HRD process must start from recruitment and selection process in order to find the right candidates.  Another finding was various channels should be created with a view to transmitting internal and external information to the personnel in the organization. 

Knowledge from this research should be applied to help employees develop their skills, knowledge, and abilities, which in turn improves organizations’ effectiveness in the digital age.  The new HRD’s rolls are helping and developing the “new breeds” in the organizations. The new breeds are employees who are not only good at their job, but also good at their hearts.

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How to Cite
Chayamarit, S. (2021). Human Resource Development to Accommodate the Public and Private Sector Organizations in the Digital Age. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 38–50. retrieved from
Research Articles


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