Strategic Leader Behaviors

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Jumpon Potisuwan


The objectives of this study were twofold: (1) to investigate the leader behaviors strategically; and (2) to determine the problems pertaining to the behaviors. The study was a qualitative in nature. The needed data were collected from documents, participant observations, and in-depth interview with 12 key informants. The informants were selected by means of purposive sampling techniques. The collected data were analyzed by dint of content analysis. The data analysis hashed light on the following 6 aspects: On strategic public administration, the leader was in a position to administer the country to the extent that law and order could be restored; the leader was honest, determined and dedicated to the country development. On strategic public relations, the leader was able to communicate well with the media as a straightforward manner of expression, facial expression, and tone of voice. On strategic the ideology, the leader was brave enough to make desirous, strongly determined and greatly committed to solve. The variety of problems of Thailand. More importantly, the leader was strongly loyal the nation, the national religion and the monarch. On strategic individual matters, the leader loved the people and the nation; the leader had an open-door policy in that people could approach the leader with case and without any partisans. On the use of strategic intellect, the leader strongly motivated people to use their intellect and the leader had fresh vision. For strategic inspiration, the leader made great efforts to inspire the Thai people devote their time and energy to solve various problems. the leader inspired the people to be steadfast and resolute in solving the problems of the country. In case something went wrong, the wrongdoers should be responsible for their mistakes. The people were instructed to protect the interest of the country, to love the country, and to conduct themselves in the way that were in line with the public policy implemented by the government. The research shows that the strategic leader must be a creator of change, as well as, the leader must maintain stability of the organization in order to maintain smoothly work flow. In addition, the leader should be able to inspire the people to be accepting guidance from the leader for the better outcomes.

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How to Cite
Potisuwan, J. (2021). Strategic Leader Behaviors. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 135–148. retrieved from
Research Articles


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