An Analysis of the Economic Solutions as in the Kutadanta Sutta: A Case Study of Chim Shop Chai Project

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Phra Kusol Supanetto


This Article aimed to analyze the economic solutions of the Chim Shop Chai Project in accordance with the Kutadanta Sutta’s principles. This study was a qualitative as documentary research. Data were collected via Thai Tipitaka scriptures, books, documents, academic papers, and various researchers. The findings showed that 1) solving the economic problems based on the Kutadanta Sutta principles was to solve macroeconomic problems. The way to do this was to provide funding to 3 groups of people who are diligent in their careers, namely farmers, merchants, and government officers, 2) the Chim Shop Chai Project aimed to stimulate the economy through domestic tourism promotion, and 3) the economic solution analysis of the Chim Shop Chai Project in accordance with the Kutadanta Sutta’s principles showed that the Chim Shop Chai Project has the same principles as the Kutadanta Sutta in 2 cases: (a) the government wanted to alleviate economic trouble for their people by giving money to the people, and (b) the government wanted economic circulation according to the principles of macroeconomics resulting in increased purchasing power in the country. For the differences, it was found that the government did not select participants into the program according to the occupational groups but allowing all professions to participate in the program freely. Not only participants who are low income, but the high-income people can also join. The government therefore did not promote production factors for farmers in any way. When this happens, it was still not to encourage those who were diligent in their careers as exemplified in. Only merchants who were registered for this project will benefit directly from this project. Moreover, this project did not result in government officers for working more efficiently in any way. Besides, it has not yet supported the people to increase their 10 Courses of Meritorious actions. Because the money given from this project can be misused to buy liquor and cigarettes, so it does not reduce the problem of bandits.

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How to Cite
Supanetto , P. K. . (2021). An Analysis of the Economic Solutions as in the Kutadanta Sutta: A Case Study of Chim Shop Chai Project. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 51–62. retrieved from
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