Green Marketing Strategy Affecting Tourism Image Perception of Thai Tourists on Samed Island, Rayong Province

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Rattana Chaikalaya


This article aimed to 1) study green marketing strategy affecting tourism image perception on Samed Island, Rayong Province, 2) analyze the relationship between green marketing strategy and tourism image perception on Samed Island, Rayong Province, and 3) analyze stepwise multiple regression in assessing green marketing strategy affecting tourism image perception on Samed Island, Rayong Province. This article was a quantitative research. The research area was Samed Island, Rayong Province. The sample was 400 Thai tourists who used to travel on Samed Island, Rayong Province. The instrument for collecting data was questionnaires. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics by the percentage, mean and standard deviation. The relationship between green marketing strategy and tourism image perception on Samed Island, Rayong Province used Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The research results were found that green marketing strategy in green heart, green attractions, green activities, and green services related to tourism image perception on Samed Island, Rayong Province. They had 73.5 percent of fluctuation of tourism image perception on Samed island, Rayong Province and the variance was 0.220.

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How to Cite
Chaikalaya, R. (2021). Green Marketing Strategy Affecting Tourism Image Perception of Thai Tourists on Samed Island, Rayong Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 202–213. retrieved from
Research Articles


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