Crop production insurance: A case study of rice

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Voradesh Phavatvekin


Thailand has been career in agriculture at large which is related particularly agriculture manufacturing farmers have been risk from natural dangers that are affected without producing objectively. The essential factor is significantly alleviated the damage toward “Crop Production Insurance”. This paper was an emphasis on crop production insurance: a case study of rice in objective with study on history & origin and concept to destruction insurance of agricultural product into Thailand & foreign countries. This research aimed at study of opinion involved with destruction insurance of agricultural product: a case study of rice into Muang District, Sisaket Province, study of problem & obstacle the destruction insurance of agricultural product: a case study of rice from farmer into Muang District, Sisaket Province, and study of problem resolution & determination the measurement appropriately to destruction insurance of agricultural product sustainably.

It was found that the law enforcement is related with destruction insurance of agricultural product such as Thailand Constitution Law, B.E. 2560 which is the supremacy law regulation & the later laws regulations such as the code of civil & commercial law, act of destruction insurance B.E. 2535 and act of life insurance B.E. 2535 and so long. In brief, the opinion of destruction insurance of agricultural product: a case study of rice into Muang District, Sisaket Province found that farmers were not interested with destruction insurance of agricultural product especially rice appropriately. Many farmers may be decided to make destruction insurance of agricultural product with Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative Union because Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative Union pay the insurance premium without farmer payment of insurance premium. The destruction insurance is occurred for financial borrowing from the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative. Therefore, government should be an awareness’s farmer in direction with the essentials of destruction insurance making in order to establish the agricultural production insurance and to lessen the damage loss from natural disaster including to empower the farmer cost of production sustainably significantly.

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How to Cite
Phavatvekin, V. (2021). Crop production insurance: A case study of rice. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 242–255. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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