Islamic based therapy for substance addicts

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Natnicha Kansan
Atapol Sukontapirom Na Pattalung
Arunya Wiriyasakul


This Article aimed to study (1) how Islamic based therapy for substance addiction is and (2) factors that positively affect substance addiction. This research was conducted by implementing qualitative research methodology. The sample was a total of study population was 14 consisting of 12 substance addicts who participated in Islamic based therapy, 2 staff working at Islamic based therapy school, a professor of Islamic based therapy school and an executive of Islamic based therapy school. They were purposively selected for data collection. The instrument for collecting data was an in-depth interview. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research results were found as follows:

1) Islamic based therapy is based on 4 main concepts as following 1) Islamic based therapy is focusing more on improving faith rather than treating the addiction, 2) Islamic principle alone is enough to cure substance addiction, 3) Islamic rituals and prayers can help to forget addicted substance, and 4) the success in substance recovery comes from Allah.

2) The results of this study showed the factors in Islamic based therapy that beneficial to treating substance addiction which consist of 1) factor based on religion as follows: 1.1) The increased in remembering God, 1.2) an indescribable experience during performing prayer, 1.3) Islamic fasting, 1.4) Learning more of Islamic knowledge, and 1.5) being in Islamic society; 2) individual factor 2.1) the increased in self-esteem, 2.2) the change in perception towards stress and coping strategies, and 2.3) having Goals; 3) family Factor which consist of 3.1) the empathy towards parents, 3.2) the perceived-love from parents, and 3.3) The feeling of responsible for family; and 4) factor related to environment in Islamic based therapy school which are the receiving of advice and positive support from staff working in school, other school members and school executive.

In conclusion, Islamic based therapy is focusing on developing faith and trust in Allah through Islamic rituals and prayers.  This study found numbers of factors in Islamic based therapy that beneficial to treating substance addiction which is a factor based on religion, individual factor, family factor and factor related to environment in Islamic based therapy.

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How to Cite
Kansan, N., Sukontapirom Na Pattalung, A., & Wiriyasakul, A. (2021). Islamic based therapy for substance addicts. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 256–268. retrieved from
Research Articles


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