Analyzed Bodhisattva's Hypothetical Devil Adventures According to The Mahavastu Avadana Scriptures

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Wararat Pattanaworasate


This academic article aimed to analyze Bodhisattva's hypothetical devil adventures according to the Mahavastu Avadana scriptures. The Mahavastu Avadana scriptures are the Buddhist scriptures of the Lokottaravath sect that are important but how widely in Thailand is not yet known. In the Mahawastu Avadana book, Volume 2, there is a description of the Bodhisattva's devil adventures until the devil is defeated to the Bodhisattva. In other words, after studying this book, the Bodhisattva used the Parmita 6, precept, giving, patience, determination, and wisdom in the fight against the devil, which is the barrier of good to victory. Which is a practice for those who care for further development.

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How to Cite
Pattanaworasate, W. . (2021). Analyzed Bodhisattva’s Hypothetical Devil Adventures According to The Mahavastu Avadana Scriptures. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 791–800. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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