The Relationship between the Participation of Educational Personnel with the Performance of Early Childhood Education Standards of the Child Development Center Under Ratchaburi Municipality

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Janya Sirito
Phornsak Sucharitrak


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of participation in educational management of educational personnel in the child development center under Ratchaburi municipality; 2) to study the performance level according to the early childhood education standards of the child development center under Ratchaburi municipality; and 3) to study the relationship between participation in educational management of educational personnel and the performance according to the early childhood education standards of the child development center under Ratchaburi municipality. The sample used was 186 the educational personnel of The Child Development Center under Ratchaburi municipality. The tools used in the research were questionnaires. The statistics used in the research were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation.

The findings revealed that: 1. Overall, participation in the educational management of the educational personnel of The Child Development Center under Ratchaburi municipality was at a high level. When considered in descending order of mean, it was found that activity participation was at the highest level, followed by participation in the assessment at a very level, participation in decision-making at a very level, but participation in receiving benefits was moderate.

2. The performance following the early childhood education standards of The Child Development Center under Ratchaburi municipality was overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, the performance of all aspects was at a high level. When sorting the mean in descending order, it was as follows: 1) the process of care and learning experience, 2) quality of early childhood, and 3) management.

3. Overall, there was a relationship between participation in educational management of educational personnel and the performance of the early childhood education standards of The Child Development Center under Ratchaburi municipality, statistically significant at the .01 level with high relevance.

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How to Cite
Sirito, J., & Sucharitrak, P. (2021). The Relationship between the Participation of Educational Personnel with the Performance of Early Childhood Education Standards of the Child Development Center Under Ratchaburi Municipality. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 595–606. retrieved from
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