To study the relation of the Bodhicitta and the Buddha Pure Land

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Bhikkhuni Sobhita Malikul


The purposes of this research article were to study: 1) the meaning of Bodhicitta; 2) the meaning of the Buddha Pure Land; and 3) the relation of the Bodhicitta and the Buddha Pure Land.  This study was a qualitative study and presented in a form of the descriptive analysis. In the study of Bodhicitta which is pure mind and purity of mind.  It is the pure state of mind free from Kilesa.  It’s deeply felt.  The Bodhisattva practitioner is able to access the Buddha Pure Land or stage of purity with the important principles to the moral conduct of the Bodhisattva.  Anyhow when the meditators fulfil their mind purification. They will approach the most suitable of the Buddha Pure Land of Mahayana Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Malikul, B. S. . (2021). To study the relation of the Bodhicitta and the Buddha Pure Land. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 801–811. Retrieved from
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