The Dynamic of Buddhist Integrative Devorohana of Wat Buddhawasphusingha, Kalasin Province

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Phramaha Weerayuth Kusalacitto
Phra Sophonphatthanabandit (Sukanya Aruno)
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


The objectives of this research, a qualitative research, were: 1) to study the arrangement of Devorohana Alms Giving at Phutthawas-Phusing Temple, Kalasin Province; 2) to study the dynamics of the arrangement of Devorohana Alms Giving at Phutthawas-Phusing Temple; and 3) to analyze the dynamics of the arrangement of the Devorohana Alms Giving of the temple. This research was carried out by means of the documentary research and field research to conduct the in-depth interview. The obtained data were interpreted by means of the descriptive analysis.

The research results were as follows: 1) The status of the arrangement of Devorohana Alms Giving at Phutthawas-Phusing Temple, Kalasin Province: now it is the 16th Devorohana Alms Giving at the temple. In the past, the event started with hundreds of participants but currently hundreds of thousands of participants. This 7-day event is an event that very well promotes Buddhism.

2) The dynamics of the arrangement of Devorohana Alms Giving at Phutthawas-Phusing Temple: Devorohana offering alms is a day for the Lord Buddha who descended from the heaven. Nowadays, the style has been adjusted by using the open-world-posture-Buddha image, followed by angels and monks. There is an interesting identity, a distinctive way of the community to a national tradition.

3) The analysis of the dynamics of the arrangement of the Devorohana Alms Giving of the temple: the Devorohana Alms Giving is integrated with tourism and the economy, changed since the year 2005. The first event was organized with only a few participants and now with the evolution of communication technology and development of social media, it becomes a great event.

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How to Cite
Kusalacitto, P. W. ., (Sukanya Aruno), P. S., & Thitapanyo, P. M. . (2021). The Dynamic of Buddhist Integrative Devorohana of Wat Buddhawasphusingha, Kalasin Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 429–443. Retrieved from
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