Charity and the Creation of a Good Consciousness According to Mahayana Buddhism.

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Saritwinee Radtanaburee
Suvin Raksat


The purpose of this article was to show the goodness and awareness of Mahayana Buddhism. Data were collected via documents, books, research papers, and online media. It was found that charity is good deeds that are charity or good deeds are born from charity. Which consists of Jaka, compassion and wisdom that will be the root cause of the creation of good consciousness. Having a good conscience results in abstaining from any acts of violence.

Charity and the creation of a good consciousness according to the concept of the Buddha. Taking the properties of the Bodhisattva, which consist of compassion and intrigue, as a guideline for the conduct of themselves in society as a whole, starting from the family level, the community, the nation, and the world. Therefore, knowledge should be cultivated to build a good conscience in the mind. Understanding in studying good principles, morals, and ethics that are correct for use in performing duties or living together in society happily.

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How to Cite
Radtanaburee, S. . ., & Raksat, S. . (2021). Charity and the Creation of a Good Consciousness According to Mahayana Buddhism. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1056–1066. Retrieved from
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