A Study of Digital Survival Skills of Matthayom Sueksa Six Students

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Kanyaporn Kingsai
Kamontip Srihaset
Suwimon Tirakanant


This research aimed to 1) study digital survival skills of Matthayom Sueksa Six Students; and 2) construct a cutting score for determining the test score in order to improve learning management. The sample consisted of 1,764 Matthayom Sueksa Six students from any schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Six, Samutprakan province. The technique of multistage was used as sampling and the research instrument was a digital survival skills test.

The findings were as follows: Findings were found that digital survival skills of Matthayom Sueksa Six Students by determining the cutting score in 2 levels; the former is that the cutting score of the entire test score was at 80% and over and there were 10.32% of students who passed this level. The latter is that the cutting scores of each skill in the test were (1) 100% for networks and file management and there were 33.05% of students passed this level, (2) 95% and over for metacognition and life-long learning and there were 5.78% of students passed this level, (3) 90% and over for troubleshooting and there were 1.13 of students passed this level, (4) 85% and over for managing digital identity privacy and security and there were 3.23 of students passed this level, (5) 80% and over for strategic web and database searching and there were 12.64 of students passed this level, and (6) 100% for offences under the Computer Act and there were 45.46% passed this level.

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How to Cite
Kingsai, K. ., Srihaset, K. ., & Tirakanant, S. . (2021). A Study of Digital Survival Skills of Matthayom Sueksa Six Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 678–693. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/249705
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