The Crime Management that Influence the Participation Among People in the Area of Responsibility of Prachinburi Provincial Police Station Mueang Prachinburi District Prachinburi Province

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Ploytawan Supapong
Korneak Karnjanapokin


This article aimed to study 1) the crime management in the area of responsibility of the Prachinburi Provincial Police Station, Mueang Prachinburi District, Prachinburi province; 2) the relationship between the crime management and the participation among people in the area of responsibility of the Prachinburi Provincial Police Station, Mueang Prachinburi District, Prachinburi province; 3) the crime management that influences the participation among people in the area of responsibility of the Prachinburi Provincial Police Station, Mueang Prachinburi District,  Prachinburi province. This research was a quantitative research. The sample was population in the area of Mueang Prachinburi District. They were selected by non-probability sampling the instrument for collecting data was questionnaires. Analysis data by frequency, percentage, and average standard deviation by using T-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The research results were found as follows:

1) The overall opinion of crime management was at the highest level with an average of 4.65

2) The relationship between crime management with the participation among people found to be related with all aspects (R= .867).

3) Factors in the crime management that influence the participation among people, were based on preparedness from crime, protection from crime, mitigation from crime and Rehabilitation from crime is (R2 = .756).

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How to Cite
Supapong, P., & Karnjanapokin, K. . (2021). The Crime Management that Influence the Participation Among People in the Area of Responsibility of Prachinburi Provincial Police Station Mueang Prachinburi District Prachinburi Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 650–665. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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