Community Involvement in Sustainable Management: Case Studies of Fresh Market Waste Management Model New Happyland, Bueng Kum District, Bangkok

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Chawalit Yukerd
Wijittra Srisorn
Sirot Bhaksuwan


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the level of community participation in sustainable management in the New Happyland Fresh Market community, Bueng Kum District, Bangkok; 2) to compare the community participation in sustainable management in the new Happyland Fresh Market community, Bueng Kum District, Bangkok. Classified by personal factors; and 3) to propose a community waste management approach to the new Happyland Fresh Market, Bueng Kum District, Bangkok. This study was a quantitative research. Collected the data from 189 stalls of 189 new Happyland market vendors and analyzed the data by finding the mean and standard deviation. As well as proving the research hypothesis. It was found that

Participation in Solid Waste Management of People in the New Happyland Fresh Market Community, Bueng Kum District, Bangkok. Overall, the mean was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 2.60), the highest level of participation was participation in planning (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 2.82), participation in activities (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 2.73), participation in monitoring and evaluation (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 2.62), and the one with the lowest level of participation was participation in solid waste utilization (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 2.39). And a study comparing the community participation in sustainable management in the new Happyland Fresh Market community found that the personal factors did not differ at a significant level of 0.05. The new Happyland Fresh Market community waste management approach should promote the role of marketing manager in waste management. There is a development of waste management technology to suit the market space limitations. Promoting waste management within merchants' markets Creating a manual for waste sorting within the marketplace, including promoting the sorting of waste to merchants in different channels. There is an incentive for traders to sort out their waste within the market. And organizing the market area into the same category according to Product types to facilitate the collection and sorting of waste within the market.

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How to Cite
Yukerd, C. ., Srisorn, W. ., & Bhaksuwan, S. . (2021). Community Involvement in Sustainable Management: Case Studies of Fresh Market Waste Management Model New Happyland, Bueng Kum District, Bangkok. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 712–726. Retrieved from
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