Public Participation in Conservation Water Hyacinth Basketry Work, A Case Study in Sappaya District Sapphaya District, Chainat Province

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Nagrittika Supphong
Wijitta Srisorn
Sirot Bhaksuwan


This article aimed to study 1) the level of public participation in the conservation of water hyacinth basketry; and 2) compare the level of participation in water hyacinth basketry conservation by gender, age, occupation, marital status, education level, and average monthly income. This study was quantitative research. The tool was used as a questionnaire, collecting data from 350 people in the Sappaya area. Data were analyzed using percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested using a t-test. One-way ANOVA or F-test was used to compare the mean of the independent variables and the one-way ANOVA or F-test. Comparison of two pairs by Scheff's Test. It was found that

The level of participation in water hyacinth basketry conservation in the area of Sappaya Sub-district, Sapphaya District, Chai Nat Province, overall, was found that the overall participation level was moderate. When classified by each aspect, it was found that the aspects with the highest level of participation were, in order of participating benefits, decision-making evaluation, and the operational aspects, respectively. The results of the hypothesis testing of the differences between the personal characteristics were found that the participation in the conservation of water hyacinth wickerwork of people with sex, age, occupation, marital status, education level, income differed at different levels of participation. Participation in the conservation of water hyacinth basketry should develop a modern product design. The development of creative craftsmen continuously searches for suitable production techniques and processes providing knowledge on raw material management to reduce the risk of loss and distribution channels that are diversified and up to date, suitable for today's target audience.

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How to Cite
Supphong, N. ., Srisorn, W. ., & Bhaksuwan, S. . (2021). Public Participation in Conservation Water Hyacinth Basketry Work, A Case Study in Sappaya District Sapphaya District, Chainat Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 874–890. retrieved from
Research Articles


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