Diagnosis of Mathematical Defects in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Prathom Sueksa Four Students at Schools in the Service Area of Chang Khwa Subdistrict Municipality, Kanchanadit District, Suratthani Province

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Suwanan Suwanwong
Woranuch Yamsang
Nopporn Yamsang


The purpose of this research was to diagnose the mathematical defects, in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of Prathom Sueksa Four students at schools in the service area of Chang Khwa subdistrict municipality, Kanchanadit district, Surat Thani province in three aspects, namely, the understanding of theorems and definitions; computational thinking; and the interpretation of problems. The sample population consisted of seventy-four Prathom Sueksa Four students from a total of ninety-nine students in the academic year of 2020 from six schools in the service area of Chang Khwa subdistrict municipality, Kanchanadit district, Surat Thani province. Members of the sample population consisted of eleven students from Ban Saphan Kathin School, twelve students from Ban Hua Mak Lang School, thirteen students from Wat Phut School, twenty students from Ban Sai To School, fourteen students from Ban Huai Sok School, and four students from Ban Mamuang Wan School. The research instrument was a mathematics diagnostic test on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for Prathom Sueksa Four students. The test was in the form of four-multiple choices with a parallel test of fifteen pairs with a total of thirty items.

Findings were as follows:

1. For the aspect of using the definitions concerning errors in understanding, remembering theorems, formulas, definitions, and properties wrongly, or applying definitions incorrectly. It was the students who answered wrongly at 63.5 percent. it was found that the students could not explain what a picture indicated or what a picture meant.

2. For the aspect of calculation concerned with the errors from calculations, calculation skills, showing methods of finding answers and solving basic problems, in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, as well as incorrect addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It was the students who answered wrongly at 60.8 percent.

3. For the aspect of the interpretation of the problems concerned with changing the interpretation of the meaning from language sentences to symbol sentences incorrectly in the matters of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It was the students answered wrongly at 68.9 percent. The item the students who answered wrongly at the highest level was the item asking the students to write a symbol sentence from a language sentence. Next in descending order was the language problem for the students who were unable to select the correct answer.

The findings from this research can be applied in teaching and learning management by informing teachers of the problems identified in the research results in all three areas and can be used to improve teacher teaching and repair teaching can be added on the spot, resulting in students having basic knowledge for further study.

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How to Cite
Suwanwong, S., Yamsang, W. ., & Yamsang, N. (2021). Diagnosis of Mathematical Defects in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Prathom Sueksa Four Students at Schools in the Service Area of Chang Khwa Subdistrict Municipality, Kanchanadit District, Suratthani Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 982–998. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/250136
Research Articles


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