The Guidelines for Promoting Public Participation in The Local Administration of People in The Sub–district Municipality, Samut Songkhram

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Aphinya Mukdathanaphong
Sunthan Chayanon
Wijitta Srisorn


Local government today is important to the development of the country because it provides opportunities for local people to participate in their own local political activities which allows people to learn the principles of politics and democracy directly. Therefore, it caused interest in studying ways of promoting the participation of people. The objectives of this article were 1) to study the level of public participation in local administration in Samut Songkhram municipality; 2) to compare the participation of citizens classified by personal factors; 3) to study the relationship between factors of local administration and public participation; and 4) to find ways to promote the participation of people in the local government. This study was a mixed research method between quantitative research and qualitative research. Data were collected from a sample of 400 people and 17 key informants. The data were analyzed by using statistics, mean, and standard deviation. It was found that

  1. The level of participation in the overall is high. The item with the highest level of participation is participation in problem analysis and root cause analysis in order to formulate local development policy. Participation in being a purchasing and hiring committee Participation in filing a law to remove the board of directors, either as a group or individually and participation in the maintenance of a park or community retreat.

  2. Comparing the participation of the people, it was found that the personal factors had no different effect on the participation of the people in all aspects.

  3. The relationship among the factors of local government found that the structure, powers, duties, and management. The relationship with the participation of people was at a moderate level.

  4. Guidelines for promoting the participation of the people, there must be an expression based on the law, established, or grouped by the People's Council to participate in expressing opinions and building knowledge and understanding first. People must have knowledge and awareness of the reasons for their participation and the creation of a clear political culture.

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How to Cite
Mukdathanaphong, A., Chayanon, S., & Srisorn, W. (2021). The Guidelines for Promoting Public Participation in The Local Administration of People in The Sub–district Municipality, Samut Songkhram. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 923–939. Retrieved from
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