Combating the IUU Fishing Policy: A Case Study of Local Fishermen in Chon Buri Province

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Avuruth Shoommuangpak
Charas Suwanmala
Chalermporn Yenyuak


The purpose of this research was to investigate the process and the achievements, including the impacts of the policy implementation on combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Chonburi Province. Emphasis is placed on local fishermen's villages in Chonburi Province, which are mainly engaged in fishing to focus on subsistence as the area of study. The research used a qualitative method by interviewing 4 government officials and 6 village leaders, and quantitative methods by using questionnaires as a tool to collect 100 questionnaires from local fishermen. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The results of this research indicated that the policy implementation process was partially consistent with the rational model of policy implementation where policy objectives, strategic measures, and targets were clearly allocated from the policy to implementing units at the provincial levels. In addition, follow-up consulting and coordinating activities have been found in the process. However, the process seems to lack some key implementing activities, such as planning and control, monitoring and evaluation, and reward-punishment mechanisms. The results of the quantitative methods found that the sample group had a high level of understanding and awareness of the problem-solving policy at 71 percent. Nevertheless, the legal enforcement measures against the local fishermen were considerably successful.

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How to Cite
Shoommuangpak , A. ., Suwanmala, C., & Yenyuak, C. (2021). Combating the IUU Fishing Policy: A Case Study of Local Fishermen in Chon Buri Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1093–1104. retrieved from
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