Good Governance for School Administrators within the Thammajak Consortium Operating under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5

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Jutakan Kengkasikit
Vorakarn Suksodkiew


This article aimed to study (1) good governance for school administrators; and (2) good governance guidelines for school administrators. The sample was 165 government teachers in the Thammajak Consortium operating under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5. They were selected by stratified random sampling. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire and structured interview. Analysis data by descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows:

1. Good governance for school administrators within the Thammajak Consortium Operating under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5 was almost at a high level. Regarding a particular, each area was at a high level.

2. Good governance guidelines for school administrators were: 1) The school administrators should save working time and reduce the process; 2) The school administrators should explore the opinions of stakeholders; 3) The school administrators should classify a group of clients to determine strategies to reach; 4) The school administrators should analyze potential problems and develop a plan for preventive action; 5) The school administrators should develop an efficient publishing system; 6) The school administrators should encourage teachers to develop themselves; 7) The school administrators should serve equal services practice; 8) The school administrators should promote stakeholders for better education management; 9) The school administrators should coordinate with external agencies to develop an educational system; and 10) The school administrators should be polite.

The findings from this research are used as guidelines for the development of the use of good governance by educational institution administrators to facilitate the smooth operation of educational institutions resulting in quality education management.

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How to Cite
Kengkasikit, J. ., & Suksodkiew, V. . (2021). Good Governance for School Administrators within the Thammajak Consortium Operating under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1141–1156. Retrieved from
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