The Empowerment of Administrators and Teacher Professional Standards Performance in School under Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Wirunda Suajoy
Sakdipan Tonwimonrat


This article aimed to study (1) the empowerment of administrators in school under Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office; (2) teacher professional standards performance in school under Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office; and (3) the relationship between the empowerment of administrators and teacher professional standards performance in school under Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office. The sample consisted of 80 schools under the Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office. The 3 respondents in each school were 1 school director or a deputy director of the school or an acting school director and 1 head of department and 1 teacher. There were 240 respondents. The research instrument was a questionnaire about the empowerment of administrators based on Tracy’s ten steps to empowerment, and teachers’ performance according to Professional Standards for Teachers based on the Regulations of the Teachers Council of Thailand on Professional Standards B.E. 2562 (2019). The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.

The research results were found as follows: 1) The empowerment of administrators in schools under the Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, as a whole, was at a high level. Ranking by arithmetic mean from maximum to minimum, were respect, recognition, trust, clearly define responsibilities, permission to fail, delegate authority, training and development, provide knowledge and information, give feedback and set standard of excellence. 2) Teacher professional standards performance in school under Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office as a whole were at the highest level Ranking by arithmetic mean from maximum to minimum were the performance of the teacher, relationships with parents and communities and Learning management. 3) The relationship between the empowerment of administrators and teachers’ professional standards performance in schools under the Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office was found at .01 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Suajoy, W. ., & Tonwimonrat, S. (2021). The Empowerment of Administrators and Teacher Professional Standards Performance in School under Singburi Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1157–1171. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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