Participatory Management of Inclusive School Under Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Amornphank Pinkamlang


The Article aimed to determine 1) the participatory management of inclusive school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office. 2) the development participatory management of inclusive school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office. The samples were 63 inclusive schools under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office. The respondents in each school consisted of 3 persons: school director, teacher and school committee with the total of 189 respondents. The instrument was a questionnaire regarding the participatory management on the theory of Swansburg. The statistical used were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results were found that:

1. The participatory management of inclusive school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office as a whole and as an individual was at a high level; ranking from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean as follow: Commitment, Autonomy, Goals and objectives and Trust.

2. The development guidelines for promoting the participatory management of inclusive school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office as follows: 1) Trusting: promote acceptance and trust in knowledge ability of colleagues give confidence and trust in colleagues respecting each other executives provide friendliness to colleagues. 2) Commitment: providing support for participants to gain additional training continuous ability for an efficient and systematic operation. 3) Goals and objectives: providing opportunities for colleagues to participate in the discussion and improvement Operational development and set an operational planning and evaluation by means of consultation meetings set goals, objectives, and create working awareness. 4) Autonomy: participants to show their ability to work. Show creativity allowing the participants to control the operations of the team. To cooperate to improve the quality of educational management and educational administration of the school in accordance with the school's operation plan.

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How to Cite
Pinkamlang, A. . (2021). Participatory Management of Inclusive School Under Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1227–1237. Retrieved from
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