The Exercising Power of Administrator School and Academic Affairs Administration under Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Wassana Ditpardab
Nuchnara Rattanasiraparpa


This article aimed to study: 1) the exercising power of the administrator of a school under the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area office; 2) the academic affairs administration of a school under the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area office; and 3) the relationship between the exercising power of the administrator and the academic affairs administration of a school under the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area office. This research was descriptive research. The sample group consisted of 19 schools in the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area office: 8 people per school, for a total of 152 people. They were selected by stratified random sampling. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire. The exercising of administrators’ power based on the French and Raven concepts and the Academic Affairs Administration based on Preeyaporn Wongnutararot’s concept had a reliability statistic of 0.979. The statistics used in the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean standard deviation, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. The research results were found as follows:

1. The exercising power of the administrator of the school under the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area office, as a whole, was at a high-level ranking from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean: reward power, referent power, legitimate power, expert power, and coercive power.

2. The academic affairs administration of schools under the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area office, as a whole, was at a high-level ranking from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean in term of teaching and learning operations, teaching and learning services, measurement and evaluation, and planning related to academic.

3. The exercising power of the administrative school and academic affairs administration under the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area office overall, showed a high level of correlation. significantly at the .01 level. 

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How to Cite
Ditpardab, W., & Rattanasiraparpa, N. (2022). The Exercising Power of Administrator School and Academic Affairs Administration under Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 79–92. Retrieved from
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