Strategic Management and Human Resource Development of Private School in Ratchaburi Province
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This article aimed to study 1) the strategic management of private schools in Ratchaburi province; 2) the human resource development of private schools in Ratchaburi province; and 3) the relationship between strategic management and human resource development of private schools in Ratchaburi province. This research was descriptive research. The research sample consisted of 28 private schools in Ratchaburi province. The key performants in each school were two, consisting of a licensee or director or deputy director and two teachers. A total of 112 of the researcher's instruments were questionnaires about strategic management and other concepts and human resource development. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results showed that:
1. Strategic management of private schools in Ratchaburi province in overall was at high level, considering by aspects has found at high level in all aspects. Sorted according to the arithmetic mean from descending as follows: scanning the environment, strategic formulation, evaluation and control and strategy implementation.
2. The overall human resource development of private schools in Ratchaburi province was at a high level, considering by aspect, it was found at a high level in all aspects. Sorted according to arithmetic mean from descending as follows: human resource development evaluation, the Implementation of human resource development evaluation, the implementation of human resource development, assessing human resource development needs and human resource development programs design.
3. Strategic management was statistically correlated with human resource development at the .01 level.
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