The Performance of Bookkeepers in the Import and Export Business Listed on the Stock Exchange in Thailand

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Busara Junloy
Thananwarin Kositkanin
Nicknipar Boonchouy


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the performance of accountants in the import and export business listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand; and 2) analyze factors influencing the performance of bookkeepers in the import and export business listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This research was quantitative research. The sample group consisted of 113 accountants or bookkeepers in the import and export business listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, using a simple random sampling method. Questionnaires were used as a tool to collect data. The statistics used in the analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and the statistics used in the test were multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. 

It was found that: (1) the performance of accountants in the import and export business listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, including knowledge of the accounting profession, professional skills, professional values, and professional attitude, affects the performance of accountants in the import and export business listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand; and (2) professional attitudes had the greatest influence on the performance of bookkeepers. followed by professional skills, professional values, and knowledge in the accounting profession respectively.

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How to Cite
Junloy, B., Kositkanin, T., & Boonchouy, N. (2022). The Performance of Bookkeepers in the Import and Export Business Listed on the Stock Exchange in Thailand. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 139–152. retrieved from
Research Articles


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