Building the Systems, Mechanism and Networking Model for Collaborative Educational Administration of Educational Service Office Area in Kanchanaburi Province

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Saisuda Tiacharoen
Chaiyos Phiwithayasiritham
Maream Nillapun
Nopadol Chenaksara


The purposes of this research were: (1) to develop the systems and mechanisms for collaborative educational administration of the Educational Service Office Area in Kanchanaburi Province; and (2) to develop the networking model for collaborative educational administration of the Educational Service Office Area in Kanchanaburi Province. It can be categorized as a descriptive research design. The respondents were used as the unit of analysis. The research sample consisted of 36 pilot schools in the educational sandbox of Kanchanaburi Province. The respondents were classified into 2 levels: there were 6 people in each educational service area and 6 people in each school, for a total of 258. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and path analysis.

The research findings were as follows: 1. components of systems for collaborative educational administration of the Educational Service Office Area in Kanchanaburi Province comprised networking management, and networking commitment, while components of the mechanism for collaborative educational administration of the Educational Service Office Area in Kanchanaburi Province comprised networking structure, leadership, and member roles.

2. The networking model for collaborative educational administration of the Educational Service Office Area in Kanchanaburi Province found that the causal effects factors influencing networking commitment were networking management, networking structure, member roles, and leadership, respectively.

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How to Cite
Tiacharoen, S. ., Phiwithayasiritham, C. ., Nillapun, M. ., & Chenaksara, N. . (2022). Building the Systems, Mechanism and Networking Model for Collaborative Educational Administration of Educational Service Office Area in Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1–20. Retrieved from
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