A Study the Principles in the Oramphakiya Sutta Related in the Enlightenment

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Phra Sompong Sutat
Phramaha Chit Tongkratok


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the content and principles of the Orampagiya Sutta; and 2) to study Dharma principles in the Orampagiya Sutta related to attainment. It was found that in the making of the only fertilization in the world, there are five principles that appear in the OrampagiyaSutta, which are: 1. Sakkaya Ditthi opinion of being one's self; 2. Vicikitcha doubt; 3. Silabpotparamas Confidence in asceticism; 4. Kama-chanda satisfaction with sensual pleasures); and 5. Victim malice. Practicing Vipassana meditation according to the four foundations of mindfulness is the path of the Noble Eightfold Path for knowing more to determine to the end whether to neglect the five virtues. Firstly, when the benefits are gone, the state of nirvana takes their place. Make the person's mind independent from the benefits. No chaos, happy life.

Practicing with awareness and awareness all the time that appears in the OrampagiyaSutta until the wisdom to see enlightenment as it really is, called enlightenment, stabs throughout the world of the 9 Noble Truths and the Four Noble Truths, which is the highest level of attainment of transcendence and liberation, The attainment of a noble person is divided into four categories, namely Sotapanna, Sakdagami, Anagami, and Arahant. By following the trisikkha principles and practicing samatha and vipassana meditation. According to the principle of cultivating the four foundations of mindfulness, which is according to the Trinity law as it really is, when insight is matured, the courage to follow the Vipassana way can be attained. Practitioners can enlighten and penetrate the Four Noble Truths, abandon fetters and monuments according to the strength of the path, attain the path, fruition, and nirvana, and become a noble person in Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Sutat, P. S., & Tongkratok, P. C. . (2022). A Study the Principles in the Oramphakiya Sutta Related in the Enlightenment. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 206–214. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/256314
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