A Study the Practice of Vipassana Meditation in The Viitathadhana Sutta

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Phra Amphan Ninnai
Thanee Suwanprateep


The objectives of this paper were 1) to study the content and important principles of the Viitathadhana Sutta and 2) to study the Dhamma principles in the Viitathadhana Sutta to support the practice of Vipassana Meditation. Data were collected from the Tripitaka, commentary, supreme, books, and research papers in order to present the research results by analyzing and synthesizing the data in a descriptive manner. The results of the research showed that the Viitathadhana Sutta is the Sutra that presents 7 wealth: 1) Trust, wealth is faith; 2) Siladhana wealth is morality; 3) Hirithana wealth is shame; 4) Ottapdhana wealth is the fear of sin; 5) Sutthana wealth is the disciple; 6) The wealth is the donation; and 7) Wisdom Thana wealth is the 7 wealth of wisdom Whoever is a woman or a man is rich in a world where nothing can be explored by gods and humans. Therefore, those who are wise, when remembering the teachings of the Buddhas, should practice morality, devotion, and sincerity to be a contributing factor to the practice of Vipassana. Praying at the end of the path to nirvana.

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How to Cite
Ninnai, P. A., & Suwanprateep, T. (2022). A Study the Practice of Vipassana Meditation in The Viitathadhana Sutta. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 538–545. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/256318
Research Articles


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