Returnable Packaging Management Technology in Logistics and Supply Chain A case of Pallet Renting Business

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Sanit Thammasiri
Pakaporn Phongthong
Chaiwat Tewsoiy


This article aimed to design a circular material management system for logistics and supply chain processes. These key informants included an executive manager, general manager, department or operation manager, and operation staff who had worked in the logistics and pallet renting business for a total of 20 people. The research methodologies were in-depth interviews and focus groups discussion about pallet rental supply chains.

The research results showed that the pallet rental business’s management system mainly consists of 1) external pallet leasing and transfer system and 2) an internal pallet exchange management system. The pallet rental business management program could be divided into three parts: 1) Administration 2) Accounting and 3) User. The applicant consists of two parts: 1) the pallet transfer system, which is responsible for issuing the documents, withdrawing the pallet from the lessor transfer account and transferring pallets from pallet transfer partners and 2) the pallet exchange system, which is responsible for assigning right and access codes to client programs in the pallet exchange system and creating a customer database. This pallet rental program is recommended because it is installed on the Internet, which means that all users can use it anywhere, anytime. The data will be connected and updated in real time through online access. It is easy to access via smartphone, so it supports unlimited users.

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How to Cite
Thammasiri, S., Phongthong, P., & Tewsoiy, C. (2022). Returnable Packaging Management Technology in Logistics and Supply Chain A case of Pallet Renting Business. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 364–379. Retrieved from
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