A Study of The Supportive Teachings to Insight Practice in Salayatana Sutta

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Phraathikarn Paitoon Teebthaisong
Thanee Suwanprateeb


This research paper contained 2 objectives: 1) to study the teachings found in Salayatanavibhanga-sutta and 2) to study the Vipassana meditation practice in Salayatanavibhanga-sutta by the study of Theravada Buddhist texts such as Tipitaka, commentaries, sub-commentaries, texts, and other involving books, such as Visuddhimagga etc. then verified by an expert, reviewed, and complied with descriptions. The findings showed that Salatanavibhanga-sutta is a discourse dealing with the principal analysis that the practitioners must understand. The analyses are of six Ayanatana or internal senses, six outer senses, six consciousness, six contacts, eighteen Manopavicara, and thirty-six Sattapada. They must understand these principles by its characters, functions, and how the 12 sensual organs work. There are other teachings related and grouped in such teachings which enable us to use them as meditative objects of insight development for the advancement of insight knowledge which leads to complete realization.

The method in the Salatanavibhagga-sutta was based on the clear and systematic understanding of sensual organs as the basis of insight investigation. This method is Vipassanayanika practice, which refers to pure insight meditation called Suddhavipassana, using only momentary concentration to observe any present Nama and Rupa as the meditative object. This practice requires the gradual training on Bodhipakkhiyadhamma or enlightenment factors, conditional practice to know or to experience of truth realization as the tool of practice. In practical codes, when the six internal sensual contacts, the outer six sensual contacts, six consciousness and six contacts occur, and whenever happiness, unhappiness, or neutral feelings arise from six contacts as its factors, the meditator observing them all as they really are as impermanent, suffering, and non-self, will soon be bored, detaching from lust, finally liberated and freed from all suffering.

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How to Cite
Teebthaisong, P. P., & Suwanprateeb, T. (2022). A Study of The Supportive Teachings to Insight Practice in Salayatana Sutta. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 318–326. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/256646
Research Articles


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