The Study the of Vipassana Practice in Dukkha Sutta

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Phra Thassapornt Thongyoo


This article aimed 1) to study the contents and Buddha’s teachings that appeared in the Dukkha Sutta and 2) to apply the contents and principalities in the Dukkha Sutta to the practical task of insight meditation. This was documentary research done by taking many compendiums in Theravada Buddhism, i.e., Tipitaka and its related commentaries such as Pakarana and Visuddhimagga, along with approved documents from academic lectures, then analysis, and finally written in descriptive type.

The results of the study revealed that Dukkha Sutta is a discourse in which the Buddha taught two groups of Dhamma to meditator Bhikkhus, each of which consists of six elements, namely, the Dhamma in the category of unwholesome, which consists of six: 1) sensual pleasure thought, 2) ill-will, 3) thought of violence, 4) sensual pleasure perception. 5) ill-will perception, and 6) violence perception, which cause suffering, fervor, and wrong destiny after death, i.e., hell entering, beast, and an animal world, and there are 6 virtues in the category of wholesomeness, namely, 1) thought of renunciation, 2) thought of free from hatred, 3) thought of non-violence, 4) renunciation perception, 5) perception free from ill-will, and 6) perception free from violence. 

In the practice of Vipassana meditation found in Dukkha Sutta, it was found that this discourse was a direct practice of Vipassana meditation in the category of Dhammānupassanā by observing sensual pleasure, thoughts., etc. which is unwholesome. When the meditator realizes such objects, his mind will reach to renunciation of thoughts which is wholesome. Having completely understood these six virtues in both sides, he will soon comprehend his insight and knowing the common manners of all phenomena falling into ever-changing, contradictory and non-self.

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How to Cite
Thongyoo, P. T. (2022). The Study the of Vipassana Practice in Dukkha Sutta. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 528–537. Retrieved from
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