An Effectiveness of Cellulite Massage by Thai Medicinal Plants Extracts from Zanthoxylum limonella Fruit

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laddawan Choothong
Yamila Domea


This article aimed to study an effectiveness of cellulite massage by Thai medicinal plants extracts from Zanthoxylum limonella fruit. The research model was quasi-experimental research. The research area was the faculty of Integrative Medicine, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. The sample was 30 personnel or staff who worked in the Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi Rangsit Centre. They were selected specifically because the instrument for collecting data was tape measures, cellulite massage by Thai medicinal plants extracts from Zanthoxylum limonella fruit and an infrared magnetic fat burning body massager. Analysis of data by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research results were found as follows: the comparison of mean score differences circumference of thigh cellulite massage by Thai medicinal plants extracts from Zanthoxylum limonella fruit was lower and a significant and statistically proven difference (P < 0.05) has been observed.

The body of knowledge from this research found that cellulite massage by Thai medicinal plants extracts from Zanthoxylum limonella fruit uses the S-D-E1-E2-S model as general information study, process design, and to summarize and evaluate the results of cellulite massage before and after. Cellulite massage by Thai medicinal plants extracts from Zanthoxylum limonella fruit could tighten and increase efficiency in metabolic processes, make skin smooth, help blood circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system, and stimulates the elimination of body waste.

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How to Cite
Choothong, laddawan, & Domea, Y. (2022). An Effectiveness of Cellulite Massage by Thai Medicinal Plants Extracts from Zanthoxylum limonella Fruit. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 380–394. Retrieved from
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