A Study of the Perfection Cultivation and Enlightenment of Meghiya Thera

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Phra Boonsiri Mungsuk
Viroj Koomkrong


The objectives of this article were 1) to study of perfection accumulation and enlightenment in Theravada scriptures and 2) to analyze the perfection accumulation and enlightenment of Meghiya Thera. The data were collected from primary sources of Early Buddhism and other concerned documents related, summarized, analyzed, compiled in descriptive types. The results showed that perfection accumulation refers Venerable Meghiya Thera in his previous life was born in the Vipassi Buddha, worshiped the Buddha who had converted his life. With such virtue, he entered into the heavens after his death, never falling into the hell realms. This is the fruit of reminding the Buddha’s virtues. In his last life, he was born into the family of the Sakya clan in Kapilavastu, ordained under the supervision of the great Master, the Buddha. In the early times of Buddha’s life, he was his attendant monk. Once he entered Ambavana grove, sat at daytime, reminding to three kinds of Vitaka or unwholesome thought, namely: lust, vengeance, anxiety, and violence, unable to meditate as usual. The Buddha encouraged him to develop five virtues: 1) having good fellowship, 2) following Pāṭimokkha or disciplinary codes, 3) being eloquent with truth, 4) having perseverance, 5) being wise. In addition, the Buddha taught him to practice 4 more virtues, namely: 1) cultivating Asubha in order to abandon lust; 2) being loving-kind or Mettā to avoid vengeance, 3) exercising Ānāpānasati in order to cut off worry thought, 4) practicing impermanence perception in order to completely withdraw from conceit or Asmimāna. Meghiyathera strictly followed Buddha’s guidelines and lived with mindfulness, striving for spiritual enlightenment, soon he attained Arahatship.

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How to Cite
Mungsuk, P. B., & Koomkrong, V. (2022). A Study of the Perfection Cultivation and Enlightenment of Meghiya Thera. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 308–317. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/256923
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