A Study of Vipassana Practice in Kama Sutta

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Phrapalad Somchai Navawongwiwat
Viroj Koomkrong


The objectives of this article were 1) to study the content and important teachings found in Kāmasutta and 2) to study the practice of Vipassana meditation in Kāmasutta. All research data has been taken from Theravada Buddhist scriptures and documents related, being summarized, analyzed, and compiled in descriptive type. The results revealed that analysis of the teachings in Kāmasutta related to Vipassana meditation practice was divided into 2 types: 1) Kilesakāma or subjective sensitivity associated with insight practice in which yogi who practice insight should avoid these 3 defilements: (1) Rāga  or the desire to possess others’ properties which do not belong to one’s own, which refers to attachment classified as unwholesome defilement connected with lust, (2) Lobha or greed, referring to all unwholesome roots causing the mind to become miserable, this will advance the practice of insight, (3) Icchā or envy, which is the desire, longing, wondering, and passion for all sensual pleasures. To abandon these defilements will enhance the insight practice in progress; and 2) Vatthukāma or objective sensitivity related to insight practice reveals that a yogi who practices insight should abandon the sensual desire of visible objects, sound, smell, taste, and touch, he must be mindful of all appearances, that is, when external senses are active, realizing the true nature of all as just Nāma or name and Rūpa or objects in which arises and falls immediately, just a natural way, appearing according to various factors. Completely observed these five sensual-pleasures as they really were with consistent mindfulness, the practitioners will gain great aid in abandoning and eliminating these 5 sensual-pleasure attachments.

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How to Cite
Navawongwiwat, P. S., & Koomkrong, V. . (2022). A Study of Vipassana Practice in Kama Sutta. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 546–555. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/256925
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