An Analytical Study of The Relation Between Seven Factors of Enlightenment and Mindfulness on Breathing

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Phra Thaweewat Thanateerasate
Viroj Koomkrong


The objectives of this article were 1) to study the contents and significant teaching of Seven Factors of Enlightenment; 2) to study the essential contents of Mindfulness on Breathing; and 3) to conduct an analytical study of the relationship between Seven Factors of Enlightenment and mindfulness on breathing. It was qualitative research. The results of the study showed that the relationship between the Seven Factors of Enlightenment and Mindfulness on Breathing showed that the Seven Factors of Enlightenment were included within Qualities contributing to Enlightenment. while Mindfulness on Breathing is in the Foundations of Mindfulness. i.e., contemplation of the body, which is also included in the qualities contributing to enlightenment. Both are related to each other as the factors of enlightenment. They are the kind of breath in-out mindfulness as follows: 1) in mindfulness the meditator uses mindfulness on mental formations or observed objects; 2) in truth Investigation he reminds the breathing in-out. observing the realities; 3) in effort he observes the in-out breaths with great efforts for realization; 4) in rapture he continues mindfulness of in-out breaths. detaching all happening raptures; 5) in calmness he still observes breathing in-out with relaxed and free mind; 6) in Concentration he continues mindfully observing the breathing in-out with one-pointed mind; and 7) in equanimity he with in-out breaths mindfulness, reaches the indifferent, neutral, detached mind by relying on serenity, dispassionateness, extinction, and bending to release all defilements. Having complete mindfulness on in-out breaths. meditator will surely attain the final realization and liberation.

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How to Cite
Thanateerasate, P. T., & Koomkrong, V. . (2022). An Analytical Study of The Relation Between Seven Factors of Enlightenment and Mindfulness on Breathing. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 664–675. retrieved from
Research Articles


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