The Development of a Multidisciplinary Curriculum and Local Wisdom Active Learning Instructional Model in The Career Aspect for Career Skills and Productivity-Based Learning Enhancement of Students in Kanchanaburi Area

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Poranat Kitroongrueng
Orapin Sirisamphan


This article aimed to 1) develop teachers to have the ability to develop multidisciplinary curriculums and local wisdom active learning instructional models in the career aspect; 2) experiment with a multidisciplinary curriculum and local wisdom active learning instructional model in the career aspect; and 3) assess satisfaction and lesson learned on success mechanisms. The results showed that

1) Results of the develop teacher to have the ability to develop multidisciplinary curriculum and local wisdom active learning instructional model in the career aspect; from the results of the knowledge assessment, and skills of the teachers who attended the training was at high level overall.  

2) The average score the perceived level of students after learning was higher than before learning and was significantly different at level .05, and the assessment of learners' career skills productivity-based learning by teachers was at a high level overall.

3) Results of the satisfaction assessment and the lessons learned found that the students' satisfaction with using the curriculum and learning instructional model as a whole, was at a high level. In addition, the results of lesson learned found that the development of teachers to have the ability to develop multidisciplinary curriculum and active learning instructional models with local wisdom in the career aspect, called 4 ส consisting of four phases, 1) relationship empowerment, 2) achievement support, 3) curriculum and learning instruction creation, and 4) reflection of success.

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How to Cite
Kitroongrueng, P., & Sirisamphan, O. (2022). The Development of a Multidisciplinary Curriculum and Local Wisdom Active Learning Instructional Model in The Career Aspect for Career Skills and Productivity-Based Learning Enhancement of Students in Kanchanaburi Area. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 739–759. retrieved from
Research Articles


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