The Development of Reading Comprehension Ability of Prathomsueksa 6 Students taught by Using the Theory of Multiple Intelligences with Graphic Organizers
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This article aimed to 1) compare the reading comprehension abilities of Prathomsueksa 6 students before and after learning management using the theory of multiple intelligences with graphic organizers; and 2) study Prathomsueksa 6 students’ opinions toward instruction using the theory of multiple intelligences with graphic organizers. The sample used in this study was composed of 15 Prathomsueksa 6/1 students from Wathongrattanaram School, Wat Arun, Bangkok Yai, Bangkok, who were studying in the 1st semester of academic year 2021. Simple random sampling was conducted by drawing lots with classrooms as random units. This experimental research has one sample group and a pre-test and a post-test. The instruments used in this study were lesson plans using the theory of multiple intelligences with graphic organizers; a reading comprehension test; and a questionnaire on the students’ opinions toward instruction using the theory of multiple intelligences with graphic organizers. The data was analyzed by mean (M), standard deviation (SD), and dependent samples t-test. Analysis data by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research results were found as follows:
1. The reading comprehension ability of the Prathomsueksa 6 students taught by using the theory of multiple intelligences with graphic organizers was significantly higher than before studying at the .01 level.
2. The Prathomsueksa 6 students’ opinions toward instruction using the theory of multiple intelligences with graphic organizers were at a high agreement level.
Based on the aforementioned research results, teachers should have proactive learning activities that focus on learners in accordance with different aptitudes and differences of learners. To develop reading comprehension or other abilities continually for effective learning management.
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