A Study of Insight Meditation Practice in Ariyavamsa Sutta
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The objectives of this article were 1) to study the content and Buddhist teaching in Ariyavamsa Sutta; 2) to study the practice of Vipassana meditation in Theravada Buddhist scriptures; and 3) to analyze the practice of Vipassana meditation in Ariyavamsa Sutta. This was qualitative research by studying data from Theravada Buddhist scriptures, and documents related, summarized, analyzed, compile in descriptive style. The results of the research an analysis of Vipassana practice in Ariyavamsa Sutta was divided into 4 themes: (1) in Cīvarasantuṭṭha, the practitioner should satisfy cloth received, Bhikkhus should know his own robe, robe’s place, left robes, own robe satisfying, and disciplines related to the robe, 2) in Piṇḍapatasantuṭṭha, Bhikkhus should rejoice in alms giving, they are, food as received, knowing arm giving, arm giving place, satisfaction in one own giving, and disciplines related to arm giving, 3) in Senāsanasantuṭṭha or contentment on monastery, Bhikkhus should be contented in the seclusion, that is, knowing the area of dwelling, dwelling’s area, dwelling contentment, and disciplines related to dwellings, there will be no greed and worry, which lead practice of Vipassana meditation to progress well, 4) in Pahānabhāvanārāmatā, Bhikkhus should be contented in the meditation and abandonment, that is , one would develop 4 efforts, 4 success, 5 faculties, 5 powers, 7 factors of enlightenment, 7 observations, 18 great insights, 37 factors leading to enlightenment as the 4th Noble lineage. This practice is considered as the ultimate goal in Buddhism.
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