The Balancing of Controlling Faculty According to the Four Primary Elements in Buddhism

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Phramaha Supawat Boonthong
Krittiya Tumthong
Chamnarn Kerdchor


The article on balancing the controlling faculty according to the four Primary elements in Buddhism has 3 objectives: 1) to study the controlling faculty 2) to study the four primary elements 3) to balance the controlling faculty according to the four primary elements in Buddhism. The analysis revealed that the controlling faculty are the determination of the five steadfast minds, namely: 1) Saddhindriya is the determination of one's devotion to what should be admired, and 2) Viriyindriya is the determination of perseverance. 3) Satindriya is the determination of being able to remember or being mindful; 4) Samadhindriya, the determination of one's actions to achieve concentration; 5) Pannindriya, the firming of wisdom or Enlightenment: Formation, aggregates, or body masses arise from things that are interconnected elements of the four elements, which are the earth element, the water element, the wind element, and the fire element, also known as the Mahabhutarupa. Balancing the controlling faculty according to the four Primary elements in Buddhism s according to the 4 elements by defining knowledge of the Sabhavadhamma, for example determining the knowledge of the formation that It's just a pile of pictures It is impermanent, suffering, not self, which leads to Vipassana-bhavana without being too strict or too low in order to achieve a middle path in practice, is liberated because of not holding on to it, do the tasks that should be done, attain Nibbana.  

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How to Cite
Boonthong, P. S., Tumthong, K., & Kerdchor, C. (2022). The Balancing of Controlling Faculty According to the Four Primary Elements in Buddhism. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 760–775. Retrieved from
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