The Effect of Price and Ambiguity on Crop Insurance Purchasing Decisions of Thai Rice Farmers

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Sunti Tirapat
Dolchai La-ornual


This article aimed to study the effects of 1) price (premium with government subsidy) and 2) probability, including ambiguity, of receiving restitution in the event of a disaster on Thai farmers' demand for crop insurance. This research was a quantitative study using a survey questionnaire with a hypothetical experiment. A total of 627 participants were selected using simple random sampling from the official list of small rice farmers in Warin Chamrap, Phibun Mangsahan, and Buntharik districts in Ubon Ratchathani Province. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including Mixed Factorial ANOVA.

The results showed that the demand for crop insurance depends on both the price level (insurance premium) as well as the likelihood of receiving restitution in the event of a disaster. Moreover, financial literacy levels cannot explain the desire to purchase crop insurance, especially at a low premium level and under ambiguity.

Findings from this research yield policy proposals as follows: The Thai government should consider 1) lowering the insurance premium and 2) reducing the ambiguity of receiving restitutions to maintain the assistance to farmers but also to reduce its financial burden by allowing market mechanisms to operate more efficiently.

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How to Cite
Tirapat, S., & La-ornual, D. (2022). The Effect of Price and Ambiguity on Crop Insurance Purchasing Decisions of Thai Rice Farmers. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1453–1473. retrieved from
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