Community Potential Strengthening process in Cultural Resource Management of Ban Koh Raet, Don Sak Sub-District, Don Sak District, Surat Thani Province
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the cultural resources of Ban Koh Raet; 2) to investigate the cultural resource management model and seek the appropriate cultural resource management model of Ban Koh Raet; and 3) to enhance local people's potential for managing cultural resources in Ban Koh Raet. This study was a participatory action research for community development. Collect the data in the fieldwork, do the activities with the community, analyze/synthesize the data, and present them with a descriptive method. The results showed that the cultural resources of Ban Koh Raet had three aspects, as follows: 1) tangible cultural resources, 2) cultural resources, and 3) the wisdom of Hainan Chinese mixed with Southern Thai. The cultural resource management model and process had the community-operated management, cultural product development, cultural conservation, research study under the processes of seeing oneself and own potential, building a sense of identity, resource appreciation, preservation, inheritance, further development, restoration, and business operations. The two appropriate cultural resource management models of Ban Koh Raet are as follows: 1) preserved a living life; and 2) developed as a community-based learning area. The community’s potential strengthening process in cultural resource management was study, search, create an understanding, resource valuation, building a sense of identity, conservation, inheritance, further development, restoration, creative and developing learning resources. Moreover, it showed that community cultural resource management and development activities were an important tool. And should be maintained on the way to each area according to the situation and can create an appreciation of community resources.
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