The Model of Bilingual (Thai-Chinese) School Administration Under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Krittapak Auengpinitkun
Prasert Intarak


This article aimed to study: 1) the model of bilingual (Thai-Chinese) school administration under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration; and 2) confirm the model of bilingual (Thai-Chinese) school administration under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The population of this research consisted of 14 schools. There were 15 respondents from each school, for a total of 210 respondents. The research instruments were focus group discussions. The descriptive statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis, and content analysis.

The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The model of bilingual (Thai-Chinese) school administration consisted of five models, which were: 1) planning; 2) organizing; 3) acting; 4) budgeting; and 5) monitoring. 2. The confirmation on the model of bilingual (Thai-Chinese) school administration under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration consisted of 1) planning 2) organizing 3) acting 4) budgeting and 5) monitoring. The model in accordance was fit with the empirical data with (gif.latex?\chi²) = 0.777, (gif.latex?\chi²/df) = 0.777, p-value = 0.378, (RMR) = 0.000, (GFI) = 0.999, (AGFI) = 0.978, (CFI) = 1.000, (RMSEA) = 0.000.

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How to Cite
Auengpinitkun, K., & Intarak, P. (2022). The Model of Bilingual (Thai-Chinese) School Administration Under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(3), 930–946. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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