A Study of Buddhist Paintings as Media Implied to Six Recollections
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Buddhist paintings are the works of drawing on materials’ surfaces to tell the story and beauty as imagined about Buddhist significations with two dimensions of width and length. Principally, Buddhism teaches people not to do any evil, to do good, and to purify the mind through simplicity, contentment, and getting rid of defilements. As painting is a visual art, it would be a medium of recollection toward the Triple Gems—the Buddha, the Doctrine, and the Sangha—as well as the merits they have done, including the virtue leading one to birth as a deity. Actually, the objects of recollection are the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, morality, liberation, and deities. All these are the bases of faith, confidence, and joy that lead them to lead a life of right practice until their attainment. Thus, Buddhist paintings should be created in accordance with the six recollections for the sake of the nation, Buddhism, and the public as a whole.
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