The Study and Development of Application for The Taking Service Care Business of Elderly to Hospital

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Panlapa Rungruengwattanachai
Saowaluck Phanthabutr


This article aimed to (1) study the business model and business opportunity of taking care of the elderly to the hospital; and (2) develop an application for the taking service care business of elderly to hospitals. The research model was qualitative research. This research used both primary and secondary data collection methods from in-depth interviews with target groups. and used secondary care information from searching for information from articles, research, and related documents. The main target groups, the researcher is divided into 3 main groups with different selection methods as follows: 1) Service users mean children, grandchildren, relatives and the elderly, who were between the ages of 23 - 60 years and 10 people skilled in using the application by using a specific selection method; 2) Service providers mean registered nurses. nursing assistant nursing student and a group of 10 public health professionals using the snowball method or referral method; and 3) 3 specialist groups using an individual selection method. Selected from expertise in each area There were 2 types of research tools: 1) questionnaire 2) interview. Data were analyzed by using content analysis and writing descriptive explanations.

The results of the research revealed that due to the fact that Thai society is entering an aging society make business trends related to the elderly are of interest. and have the opportunity to grow the business and the factors that will send customers to decide to use an application for a business that takes care of the elderly to the hospital are price, personnel, and safety.

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How to Cite
Rungruengwattanachai, P., & Phanthabutr, S. (2022). The Study and Development of Application for The Taking Service Care Business of Elderly to Hospital. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1333–1347. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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