The Development of Structural Equation Models of Factors Affecting Leadership Technology of School Administrators in The Digital Age Group Secondary School Southern Province, Gulf Coast under The Office of the Basic Educational Commission

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Witthawat Nidsungnone
Somboon Burasirirak
Marut Patphol


This article aimed to 1) study the technological leadership level of school administrators in the digital era; 2) develop a structural equation model of factors affecting the technological leadership of school administrators in the digital era; and 3) examine the harmony of the structural equation model of factors affecting the technological leadership of school administrators in the digital era. The research model was quantitative research. Using the concept of structural equation model development as a research framework, the research area was secondary schools in the southern region along the Gulf of Thailand. The sample group consisted of 300 school administrators using a stratified random sampling method. The research tools were questionnaires. Data were analyzed using basic and reference statistics. The research results were found as follows:

1) The Technology Leadership of School Administrators in the Digital Era at the highest level.

2) The structural equation model of factors affecting the technological leadership of educational institution administrators in the digital era found that latent variables directly influencing technology vision were technological performance and technology integration. The latent variable that was indirectly influenced was technological vision.

3) A structural equation model of the factors influencing school administrators' technological leadership in the developed digital era. In harmony with empirical data, the variables that affect and related factors were studied clearly.

However, the knowledge and findings from this research were at the level of technology leadership. The highest level reflects the potential of the school administrators as well Moreover, the variables were correlated and harmonized according to research tests. although some variables had less direct influence than others. It must rely on the influence of other variables in order to reach the technological leadership of the school administrators.

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How to Cite
Nidsungnone, W., Burasirirak, S., & Patphol, M. (2022). The Development of Structural Equation Models of Factors Affecting Leadership Technology of School Administrators in The Digital Age Group Secondary School Southern Province, Gulf Coast under The Office of the Basic Educational Commission. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1638–1658. Retrieved from
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